Monday, May 11, 2015


I am so in love with couponing!! I have always shopped with coupons but recently I have been wiser when it comes to grocery shopping with coupons. 

Well here are my tips I've learned: 
(please note I'm not a extreme couponer)

1. Find out what stores in your area have what sales and possibly double or triple the coupon 
2. Stock up on newspaper, different kinds especially.
3. Find a buddy. It's great to have    someone to help you out and to shop with. 
4. Join a couponers club. Either on Facebook. 
5. Make and plan and stick to it. 
6. Make sure you read all the fine print. Not all coupons double or triple. 
7.  Be organized with your coupons.  
8. Be patient and make sure you watch the scanner. 
9. If There's a problem don't be ashamed to ask for help or for the manager 

I hope this can help. I am not a expert but I hope this helps 

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